Specializing in Difficult and Unusual Cases
Cold Case Re-Investigation of Human Trafficking, Child Abduction, Homicides & Death Investigation Cases.
Cold-Case Investigations:
Solving Unresolved Homicides - Suicides
A cold case is any criminal investigation by a law enforcement agency that has not been solved for (generally) at least one year and, as a result, has been closed from further regular investigations. A cold case may be closed for various reasons such as: previously available technology was not able to adequately analyze the evidence in order to form a conclusion; witnesses were hostile and uncooperative; various time constraints hindered the investigation; the originally assigned detectives had a heavy workload; a lack of worthwhile leads stalled the case.
Almost every law enforcement agency in the United States and in foreign countries have cold cases on their books that could be reopened and solved. However, since agencies have limited amounts of manpower and resources, usually only the most terrible cold cases such as violent crime are re-opened. Plus, violent crimes such as homicides and sexual assaults are well matched to being re-opened as cold case reviews because such cases, generally produce the most evidence. However, the decision to re-open a cold case is also dependent on many other factors including: the overall severity and cruelty of the crime, cooperativeness, whereabouts, number of witnesses, age of the crime, amount and condition of the inventory (including physical evidence) relevant to the case, whereabouts of previously identified suspects, and new technology and tools that may help to determine evidence previously unable to be solved. Oftentimes, cases are reviewed and prioritized according to the likelihood of an eventual solution with the highest priority cases given to those in which new witnesses, information, and evidence can now identify suspects.
Usually only the most talented and experienced law enforcement investigators are assigned to cold cases because of the thoroughness, persistence, and high motivation necessary to review the large numbers of detective notes, patrol reports, photographs, electronic information, laboratory documents, crime scene drawings and diagrams, witness lead sheets, and suspect information. Important characteristics required of cold crime members include: strong communication and interpersonal skills, seniority, strong research skills and deductive reasoning, creativity, patience, and enthusiasm. Sometimes a special "Cold Case Squad" may be organized, either temporarily or permanently, to deal solely with cold cases especially, when current cases prevent such older cases from being worked. In nearly all scenarios, cold case investigations present many varied and intense challenges to any law enforcement agency.
Do you have and unsolved case that has fallen through the cracks and not receiving the attention it deserves? Call our VIP cold case unit we can assist you by re-investigating and offering you a fresh perspective!
When a child is lost, what goes with them is larger than words can describe. Parents, siblings, family and friends all lose an important piece of their future. Their bereavement grows every day that their son or daughter does not return, and their emotional needs very quickly become overwhelming. The grief of a parent has no limits, but in cases where the child's condition is unknown or known to have been fatal, criminal investigations can help families find closure. In the United States, it is the job of sworn law enforcement officers and detectives to investigate these cases - but sometimes the police reach their resources' limits without discovering the truth. Under these circumstances, Valley Investigative Professionals can re-investigate any cold case of child abduction, human trafficking, homicides and death cases. We have our own CSI and investigative team which also consist of our in house Medical Forensics Specialist.
Fee's: people always asked how much does a cold case re-investigation or and active homicide / murder in the first degree cost to investigate the answer is not that simple but a case might cost anywhere from $ 7500 to $ 10,000 a major case $ 10,000 to $ 30,000 and more. other cost may apply; if there is physical evidence, collection maintaining the chain of evidence and the follow-up to the lab for analysis testing results and court. Please call, all cases are not the same!
When family or friends first learn that a loved one is deceased there is a feeling of disbelief and shock. When those same family and friends learned the deceased has committed suicide, bewilderment is also added to those emotions. When the family or friends fail to agree with the labeled cause of death as suicide, they conduct their own inquiries. They contact all prospective agencies involved; police, coroner or medical examiner, treating physicians, pathologists, EMT's etc. When a family still feels the facts do not add up to suicide, it is common for an uninvolved third party to be contacted. The uninvolved third party is most often an experienced private investigator.
Criminal Defense Investigations
Valley Investigative Professionals is the leader went it comes to Criminal Investigations. We conduct critical investigations in a timely manner on all types of Criminal Cases.
As defense investigators you need specific knowledge, experience, and skill in order to properly investigate a case from the defense perspective.
When Investigating a case, our investigators use state of the art Investigative & database, techniques, and equipment to uncover critical information and evidence to defend our clients.
Criminal Case Investigations
- Investigative review of discovery / file: police reports, victim/witness statements, crime scene examinations, lab reports, etc.
- Defendant interviews
- Crime scene examination, diagram & photography
- Victim/witness backgrounds investigations & Social Media
- Witness locations, follow ups and leads, Interviews, and Statements
- Reports of Investigations & Testifying
- Polygraph Examinations and Interpretations
- Confidential Informants and Sources
As one of the leading criminal investigation firms in Northern California., our agency will conduct timely and thorough investigations in the following areas:
Homicide | Conspiracy | Corporate Crimes | Counterfeiting |
Death Penalty | Due Diligence | Embezzlement | Fraud |
1st & 2nd Deg | Kidnapping Litigation | Litigation Support | Money Laundering |
Multi-Codefendant | Narcotics | Public Corruption | Robbery |
Sexual Assault & Harassment | Smuggling | Theft | Trafficking |
Pre-Charge investigation, are you under investigation and have not been charged?
- Murder/Homicide Cases
- Attempted Murder
- Manslaughter
- All major felony assaults & deadly weapon charges
- Robbery
- Home invasion
- Criminal Threats, Kidnapping, Arson, Stalking, Mayhem, Domestic Violence
- Major fraud, and more!
Mr. Galindez, Greg Valdez and Scott Hartman are major Criminal Defense Investigators, who understands that being arrested and charged with a crime can be a life changing event and a very frighting experience. Even worse, a criminal conviction can and will change your life leaving you with thoughts of suicide, loss of employment, future job prospects, affecting your family, friends and the loss of your freedom and rights. We can help but you have to make that first call.
You need cold, hard facts to win a case.
And to get the facts, you need an experienced investigative professional that specializes in finding out the hidden truth.
When you need concise, accurate information, contact VIP.
Why settle for having one investigator who is limited in his or her own view point?
Hire the team "Valley Investigative Professionals." We can help develop that reasonable doubt that may lesson or win your freedom.
Our trained team of experienced investigators can assist you in preparing and developing your defense.
Because of our combined experience with investigations, we put that to work when we look at your case. We table our cases so that we see it from different views and experiences. This gives you much more than having only one investigator reviewing your case.
Let us help with your defense.
As criminal defense investigators, we excel in defending the accused against an adversary that has almost unlimited sources of tax money to pursue the prosecution of the accused individuals, whether they are guilty, innocent, or somewhere in between.
Sexual Crimes Investigations
- Date Rape
- Spousal Rape
- Child Molestation
- Indecent Exposure
- Sexual Battery
- Child Pornography, Lewd Conduct
- Statutory Rape
- and more!
Economic Crime Investigations
Major White Collar, Financial Fraud Investigations
Private Investigators
Licensed Private Investigators are regulated by the state of California through the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services.
As licensed private investigators, we at Valley Investigative Professionals, operate our own agency and specialize in preparing criminal cases through the preliminary-hearing process and/or through jury trails for attorneys. We are responsible for the gathering of information and evidence which will advance legal theories in order to benefit the clients case.
The investigator must possess knowledge of statutory and case law, local rules of court, civil procedures, forensic sciences, techniques of evidence collection, its preservation, and admissibility. We also assist attorneys by reviewing police reports, photographing crime or accident scenes, interview witnesses, obtain signed and recorded statements, prepare documents for demonstrative, recommend experts, and testify in court. Your private investigator must exhibit the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct. Valley Investigative Professionals has the knowledge and the experience. We can handle your case.
Death Investigations